Thursday, November 8, 2007


So i had no more blog entries saved. Just like to say that i'm stoked with my assignment and the teachers of this course did really well. A little sad with the organisation of the final report and reflection. I hope i've done everything right cos i really really don't want to fail anything. But still, negatives aside, it's been unreal! cheers thats ll there is from me.

Final Report

So this final report is turing out to be massive!!! hope who ever gets to mark it enjoys it. I'm a little concerned with the lack of criteria and information etc. I'm also really confused as to what the difference between the final report and final reflection are? Is the report the giant document i'm creating and the reflection all of these blogs? I sure hope so. Ralph hasn't replied to my emails, but he is a busy man. Either way, i'm happy with how my report is going. Woot almost Finished!!!!

Exhibtion Evening

So all is well that ends well. I'm really impressed by how the exhibition went and even more impressed by the work that was on display. Some really awesome stuff. Some more industry people would have been useful but i understand that some things are juts not in our control. Either way it was still cool being able to check out everybody else work, people that you started the degree with, that was awesome. And the free booze went down a treat!


SO the presentation was rather informal. I thought. I think i was near last on a long but cruisy day. It was good to have the one on one kind of feel for questions and feedback etc. I'm a little scared that i was to informal. I was myself, how you'd get me if you were a real client. On the level, comfortable but hopefully sounding like i know what i'm on about. Which i should have because i did know what i was talking about. It just felt so informal. plus, i don't know if the grades are coming from both the presentation nd the portfolio work or just the presentation. Well there's nothing i can do about it now. Just have get ready for the exhibition evening. Yay


So i got my booklets printed! woot hooray for me. but i won't get time to print off business cards. PLus i intend to actually have my portfolio on the internet eventually so i want to wait so i can put the adresson them. But i've printed of a hard copy sample of the business cards to go in the package aas well and having it as part of the digital portfolio.

Spare time

So I managed to actually pull of my portfolio which is absolutely wicked!!!!! i'm really stoked with it. And more suprisingly i actually have spare time. So i've up graded my project to not just a portfolio but a portfolio package. I'm going to produce a physical portfolio booklet. Should be cool. Gives contrast to the digital one and it's something tangable that people can hold and flick through. Should be awesome and will be great to have for the pressentation evening as well. I'm also going to whip up a business card.

Posting update

I don't know whats going on with the dates and times on my posts. I'm currently cutting and pasting the crap from a word doc i have but the times are coming out rather wierd. Never mind it's irrelevant. How ever i have a big gap in the blogs now. This was the period that it was more important to focus on the actual assignment than writing blogs about it.


Things are coming together pretty awesome. I have most of my navigation animations together and such. I've gone with the eating and smooshing of little fuzzy cute things i've named Cuties. It's looking pretty good if i do say so myself. having some issues with a sliding menu
to hold thumbnails of the work thats going to be shown in the portfolio but i'm sure i'll figure it out. There are heaps of online tuts i can use to help me.

Got my Ideas

OK! so after another boring lecture of interaction design i have created the idea for my page. It's going to be this gollum like creature that sits at your command at one side of the screen and when you select links it will grab them and do different things to them depending what it is. I'm still liking the cutie killing ideas. Yeah i know a little sick but it would be that sick way. Or maybe insects? i can't decide but at least its going.

After much research and consideration i've come up with my colour scheme. It will be black and white animations with a monochromatic back ground (greys etc.) and then links, text and important things will be in varying shades of orange, even brown.

Ideas after proposal

So i dummied up an example page for the proposal using the tree idea. It was usefull to have as an example for the presentation but i'm not into it abymore. I just don't find it creative enough or stimulating or fun. So i'm still exploring possible ideas but i'm in the mood for the destruction of small cute things. Thats always fun, a little twisted and a super silly. So i like it.

The flash skills are coming along nicely. no thanks to uni of course. But the text books i purchased are really helping and i find that many online tutorials are awesome and really easy to follow. Thank god flash is so used within the industry that there are so many resources. Of course on the flip side, shame on uni for not teaching me this within a course. Maybe it'll give me an edge over my class mate after graduation. MU HAHAHA

idea generation

So i've been looking at flash sites and thinking about what site i intend to create. I want it to be fun and quirky. something that you'll remember because i think thats crucial to success. I've been looking at different art works i've created and trying to see what could work as a main page. Explorinf animation ideas in relation to links and entertainment. I'm think of a "tree" styled page. Something that can grow.


OK so know what direction i'm going to be headed in. But apparently i need to do a shit load of research to make sure i produce something awesome. I've claimed watching animation on you tube as researching but i know thats not where i need to be focusing. The arty stuff will come naturally to me and i already have my own unique style of art i intend to incorporate. so i've been looking at flash sites. Since it is the program i will be using i want to see what other people have done with it to get some ideas about design and also what this new program can do. Woot happy exploring for me.